How to Be Your Own Hero: The Teenager's Toolkit for Building Self-Esteem
Life is a journey. A wonderful, amazing journey! Sure, there are going to be ups and downs along the way, but you have incredible gifts, skills, and strengths inside of you that will help you on your journey.
You have greatness inside of you.
The lives of teenagers can be tough. Seek support and guidance through the hardest times. Being your own Hero doesn't mean being alone. Surround yourself with healthy LifeGuides and they will help you see your inner strength. Your belief in your inner strength is the foundation of your healthy self-esteem.
When Life's challenges surface, your belief in your inner strength, your self-esteem, influences the paths you'll take. Self-esteem affects how you think and behave with your family and friends, at school, and in relationships. Self-esteem also affects how you view and handle stress, as well as your relationship with drugs, alcohol, food, and your body.
How to Be Your Own Hero shows you how to improve your self-esteem, improve your resilience, and help you make decisions that will result in a smoother ride through these challenging years. By developing true self-esteem, you can reveal your greatness – the greatness that has been inside of you all along.
6% of profits from the sale of How to Be Your Own Hero go towards Kids Help Phone and other charities dedicated to helping youth through challenging times.

“This book is jam packed with heart-felt advice and lessons on challenges of life and how to overcome them. Learn how to unlock the meaning of happiness, find your true potential and discover how to turn your ordinary life into extraordinary.
A must read for all!”
Sandra, Teenager and Former Student
“From the most prevalent experiences teens go through, to finding your true happiness, Alyson Larade, brings you through this astonishing journey of self rediscovery. Read it, and I can guarantee it will change your perspective on life, as it has mine. She has been, and will continue to be, my biggest inspiration.”
Jessica, Teenager and Former Student
“The teen years are a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs. This book helps make the lows a lot more manageable. Even though it’s written for teens, it’s enlightening for parents. It gives teens the respect they deserve and contains intelligent advice to help make navigating those formative years a whole lot easier. I wish it had been available when I was a teen.”
Cyndi Edwards, Host WFLA-TV “Daytime” syndicated television show, Tampa, FL.
"This book is an invaluable resource to both teens and parents. It covers all the major issues and challenges facing today's teens. This direct and easy read book helps teens become their own source of strength and wisdom. I wish I had had a book like this to help me through my teen years. I would have had a lot fewer regrets and a lot more successes early on."
Nadine, Parent

Watch this video to learn about the Towards and Away Coping Strategies discussed in How To Be Your Own Hero and how your decisions can help create your Better Future. (Look for a Coping Strategies PDF in the menu under Sample Chapter, or on the Sample Chapter page.)